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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 15
Weight: 2.1oz 60g
Length (CRL): 3.23" 8.4cm
Heart rate : 155 bpm
Your baby makes movements with the arms and legs much more often now.
The body is now longer than the head and the legs longer than the arms.
Baby's skin is still very thin, and the blood vessels can be seen through it.
The scalp hair pattern is developing, and the hair folicles may start to produce color pigmentation depending on the genetic hair color.
Tooth buds are developing.
The bones continue to form and are getting harder with each passing day.
Your uterus is now rising above your hipbones, and you may feel it about 3 inches (around 8 cm) below your navel.
Your enlarged heart is pumping about 20% more blood than before in order to supply blood your baby with oxygen, and this figure may increase to as much as 50% later on.
If you're older than 35, your doctor may want to conduct a maternal blood test or amniocentesis to determine whether the baby has any neural tube defects or abnormalities like Down Syndrome. Both tests have their advantages and disadvantages


Week 15 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 15 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


General Introduction to Pregnancy
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