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The Key Is Moderation
Slow And Steady…

Gaining too little or too much weight will have a negative impact on your baby. If you gain too much, your baby will grow too big. A 9 lb or 10 lb baby is harder to deliver than a 7.5 lb baby, increasing your risk of needing a caesarian section. Gaining too little weight could result in a low birth weight baby at risk for birth defects, mental retardation and being stillborn.

You’ll also want to watch how fast or how slow you gain the weight to make sure you’re on track with a healthy pregnancy. If you’ve gained your designated 30 lbs by now, week 11, you’re going to be in sorry shape at the end of your pregnancy.

A good rule of thumb is:

  • 2-4 lbs by the end of the first trimester if you’re not too sick to eat
  • For the next two trimesters, you’ll gain around a pound per week. The second trimester weight is stored to nourish your rapidly growing baby during the last trimester.

If you’re careful to eat nutritious meals in reasonable portions, your weight gain should influence a healthy baby. Keep in mind that you’re nourishing two, not feeding two, and you’re on the right track!

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