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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 20
Weight: 9.7oz 275g
Length (CRL): 5.31" 13.5cm
Heart rate : 147 bpm
Your baby now has recognizable sleep-wake cycles, as well as a favorite sleeping position.
The rapid growth phase will soon begin to slow down.
The immunities you have previously developed against viruses will start to pass to your baby now and will will protect your baby for several months after birth
The nerves are being coated with a fatty substance called myelin, which allows the brain to communicate with the muscles more efficiently.
The skin is thickening and developing layers, including the epidermis (surface) and the dermis, which is a deeper layer, and subcutaneous layer.
Your uterus is at your navel now, and the pressure from the uterus may cause your belly button to pop out.
The line between your navel and pubic bone (linea nigra) may darken further.
You're probably feeling your baby's movements more now as they become stronger and more frequent
Many doctors perform a comprehensive ultrasound examination around this week, especially if it has not been done before.


Week 20 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 20 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


General Introduction to Pregnancy
Your Changing Body + Pregnancy
Your Baby’s Development
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Labor and Delivery
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