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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 21
Weight: 11.6oz 330g
Length (CRL): 5.83" 14.8cm
Heart rate : 147 bpm
Congratulations! You and your baby are half way there!
Production of brain cells also slows down. From around now, brain cells mainly increase not in number but in complexity, forming connections with other cells. Stimulation of the brain cells will help facilitate this very important process.
Your baby can hear noises outside the womb more clearly, and may even startle at loud noises.
The intestines have developed enough that small amounts of sugars can be absorbed into the digestive system from the fluid that is swallowed. Most of the baby's nourishment, however, still comes through the placenta.
Your waistline has completely disappeared by now and you're probably showing now.
Your uterus is about 1cm above your belly button.
You may find that your ankles and feet swell, particularly at the end of the day. If so, be sure to drink plenty of water and rest with your feet elevated.
Remember to try to get sufficient exercise. Low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking and yoga are excellent to help you stay in shape, and they also help prevent or reduce some symptoms such as varicose veins and backaches.


Week 21 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 21 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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