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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 28
Weight: 2.20 lbs 1000g
Length (CHL): 14.41" 36.6cm
Heart rate : 142 bpm
If your baby is born now, the chance of surviving is quite high.
The body is getting plumper, though it is still mainly being filled out by muscle tissue and bone, with around 2-3% body fat now.
Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
Your little Einstein's brain continues to develop and expand, and has the characteristic folds and grooves on the surface.
Lungs are capable of breathing now, and the muscle tone is improving.
Your uterus is around 3 inches (around 8 cm) above your navel.
Your doctor may suggest that you make visits every two weeks now, and every week from week 36 onward. The doctor will check the height of your uterus, weight, and blood pressure, as well as your urine. Vaginal examinations to check cervical dilation may also be done closer to the due date.
From any time now your doctor may ask you to do a fetal kick count. During the time of the day your baby is most active, the number of kicks, turns, or moves over a one-hour period should exceed 10 times.


Week 28 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 28 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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