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Weekly Pregnancy Guide - Week 33
Weight: 4.18 lbs 1896g
Length (CHL): 16.85" 42.8cm
Heart rate : 138 bpm
Space becomes increasingly limited, and your baby is probably curled up into the fetal position, with arms and legs crossed.
From now on, you might start to notice less movement than before, though the kicks might remain just as forceful.
Neurons and synapses in your baby's brain are developing in huge numbers.
The vernix that your baby started developing earlier is getting quite thick now.
The lungs are still not fully mature, but your baby is practicing using them by "breathing" the amniotic fluid.
Your uterus now sits about 5 inches (around 13 cm) above your bellybutton, and exerting pressure on your organs causing heartburn, constipation, indigestion and breathlessness.
You might now be able to distinguish your baby's knee from the elbow, even though the movements are smaller. You may also notice rhythmic "beats" caused by your baby's hiccups!
You may want to discuss with your doctor and learn more about the procedure called "episiotomy", which is an incision made from the vagina toward the rectum, typically performed during a potentially difficult delivery.


Week 33 Fetus Picture(s):

week 4 embryo blastocyst

Week 33 pregnant belly picture:

week 2 - pregnant belly


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